Friday, November 11


Hey, Im Fvcking baaaaccckk! ;) It's been awhile. I miss writing it all down. ;) Im in the perfect mood to right another blog, and YES, it is all about LOVE. Wanna' know why? Because right now, it's very confusing. :| SERIOUSLY.


"It's totally mixed emotion. :("

To begin with, How do you define LOVE? 

What is Love? It is one of the most difficult question for the mankind.

A Love is something that everyone wants to feel, but it is a fact that only a little part of the people has the luck to feel it. Love is not about finding a right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you can build and time you can share together till the end. Love is based on trust and faith that you have in other person. Nothing left when trust break, but never get hurt so much for someone who would'nt appreciate your pain. Always remember that, pain makes people change. So, don't hurt them when you don't want them to change. :)

Firstly, how can we define love, or what-is-love? Love is a sensation through the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual senses. When music is playing, it stimulates your ears and moves your soul. When watching fireworks at night, it hypnotizes your eyes and inspires your spirit. Honestly, what is the feeling you get when an attractive stranger gives you a pleasant smile unexpectedly? Defining what-is-love has been the work of various types of artists throughout time. We all know love when we feel it. We all want to be loved. There is no denying it. Yet, it is still a mystery in many ways. It is a huge subject to explore. It is compassionate, romantic, generous, heart-felt, funny and heals all things. It can be expressed in numerous ways. To define what-is-love is difficult because we are not well educated about it in school from first grade to the first two years in college, compared to Math, for example. It can be a controversial and sensitive subject. The definition of love is still in its infancy. Hopefully, there will eventually be a large community of loveologists (scientists who specialize in love) that can define what-is-love and are able to offer important contributions to our world society.

Exactly what is this thing called love? Since it is a very broad term, the ancient Greeks managed to define what-is-love and there are four types: agape, eros, philia and storge.
  • Agape is unconditional love with a deeper sense of "true love". Example: Giving others your precious resources for loving support without an expectation in return.
  • Eros is passionate love. It is mostly sexual but can also be passion for anything, such as car hobbies.
  • Philia is displaying love through loyalty to friends, family and community, usually by sharing resources and expecting something in return.
  • Storge is natural affection that is often felt by a person for related family members.
Agape is considered the purest form of love. You can love almost anyone with agape. You need to learn to love yourself first, then it is easier to give to others with true love.

Now, what-is-love that is true and meaningful? How can you do something about it? :)

You can do something.
There are many definitions here that are based around an action, doing something. There are also many that focus on encouraging words or inspiring proverbs. Both of those may be true, but we believe complete, total love comes from a combination of both words and action. Stop and think for a few minutes, is there someone or something you can lend a helping hand to, or volunteer your time for? Something on the national, regional, local, or even personal level? We must come together, set aside any differences and express love to one another. Don’t worry about embarrassing or awkward situations. Give up your comfort for someone else to be healed.

Be total Love. ♥

Now, Go! Do something. :)

(c) Google

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